Wildlife Viewing
Responsive Management has been conducting studies related to wildlife viewing since 1985.
Below is a list of recent examples. Please contact us for additional examples or further information.
Des Moines Area Residents’ Attitudes Toward the Chichaqua-Neal Smith Bird Conservation Area, conducted for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources
Participation in and Opinions on Birding in Florida and Satisfaction with the Great Florida Birding and Wildlife Trail, conducted for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Arizona Residents’ Attitudes Toward Nongame Wildlife, conducted for the Arizona Game and Fish Department
West Virginia Residents’ Attitudes Toward Wildlife, Their Participation in Wildlife-Related Recreation, and Their Consumption of Fish Caught in West Virginia, conducted for the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources
Virginia House Bill 38 and Future Directions for the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, conducted for the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries
Vermont Residents’ Opinions and Attitudes Toward Species Management, conducted for the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department
Americans and Wildlife Diversity—Public Opinion, Attitudes, Interest, and Participation in Wildlife Viewing and Wildlife Diversity Programs, conducted for the International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies
Wildlife Viewing in Maryland—Participation, Opinions, and Attitudes of Adult Maryland Residents Regarding a Watchable Wildlife Program, conducted for the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Wildlife Division
Florida Wildlife Viewing Guide Marketing Plan, conducted for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Wildlife Viewing Guides: Watching Wildlife, Virginia Wildlife Viewing Guide, and West Virginia Wildlife Viewing Guide, written by Responsive Management
For more information or a copy of a report, please contact us.
Please note that not all reports are publicly available.