
Man fishing from pier

Responsive Management has conducted more than one hundred studies related to fishing.
Below is a list of recent examples. Please contact us for additional examples or further information.

  • Trout Fishing in Pennsylvania, conducted for the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission

  • Maine Anglers’ Participation in and Opinions on Freshwater Fishing, conducted for the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife

  • Participation and Preferences of Washington Anglers, conducted for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife

  • Georgia Saltwater Anglers’ and Captains’ Attitudes Toward Saltwater Fishing Issues, conducted for the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Coastal Resources Division

  • Retaining 2020’s Surge of Licensed Anglers, conducted for the American Fisheries Society

  • Philadelphia Metro Statistical Area Residents’ Attitudes Toward Fishing, conducted for the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission

  • Florida Saltwater Anglers’ Attitudes Toward Fishing Issues and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, conducted for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

  • Vermont Anglers’ Participation in Fishing and Their Attitudes Toward Fisheries Management, conducted for the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department

  • Resident Participation in Freshwater and Saltwater Sport Fishing and Hunting in Georgia, conducted for the Georgia Department of Natural Resources

  • South Carolina Recreational Anglers’ Participation in Marine Fishing and Their Opinions on Marine Fishing Issues, conducted for the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources

For more information or a copy of a report, please contact us.
Please note that not all reports are publicly available.

Report Cover: Maine Anglers' Participation in and Opinions on Freshwater Fishing