Law Enforcement
Responsive Management has conducted several dozen studies related to law enforcement.
Below is a list of recent examples. Please contact us for additional examples or further information.
Planning for the Future of Conservation Law Enforcement in the United States, conducted for the National Association of Conservation Law Enforcement Chiefs
Arkansas Residents’ and Recreationists’ Opinions on and Satisfaction with the Law Enforcement Activities of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, conducted for the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission
Virginia Hunters’, Anglers’, and Boaters’ Opinions on and Satisfaction with the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries Law Enforcement Activities, conducted for the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources
Needs Assessment for the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection’s Conservation Education and Firearms Safety Program, conducted for the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
Wyoming Residents’ Attitudes Toward Wyoming Game and Fish Department Law Enforcement Activities, conducted for the Wyoming Game and Fish Department
Colorado Wildlife Law Enforcement Survey—Implications and Recommendations, conducted for Colorado Parks and Wildlife
Opinions of Georgia Residents, Anglers, Hunters, and Landowners on Law Enforcement Activities of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Wildlife Resources Division, conducted for the Georgia Department of Natural Resources
Georgia Boaters’ Attitudes and Opinions Regarding Boating and the Enforcement of Boating Laws in Georgia, conducted for the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Wildlife Resources Division
Fish and Wildlife Law Enforcement’s Motorized Vehicle Purchasing Practices, Considerations, and Motivations, conducted for Bombardier Recreational Products US, Inc.
Idaho Residents’ Opinions on and Attitudes Toward the Idaho Department of Fish and Game, conducted for the Idaho Department of Fish and Game
For more information or a copy of a report, please contact us.
Please note that not all reports are publicly available.