Strategic Planning and Direction
Responsive Management has conducted several dozen studies related to strategic planning.
Below is a list of recent examples. Please contact us for additional examples or further information.
Forging the Future of Wyoming’s Wildlife—Human Dimensions Research Results in Support of the Wyoming Game and Fish Department’s Strategic Plan, conducted for the Wyoming Game and Fish Department
Strategic Direction for the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (AGFC), conducted for the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission
Survey for the Strategic Direction of the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control’s (DNREC) Division of Fish and Wildlife, conducted for the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control
The Attitudes of the General Public, Stakeholders, and Employees Regarding the Strategic Direction of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources (GDNR), conducted for the Georgia Department of Natural Resources
Direction for the Decade—The Attitudes of Georgia Residents, Wildlife Resources Division Staff, and Conservation Organizations Regarding the Future of the Georgia Wildlife Resources Division (WRD), conducted for the Georgia Wildlife Resources Division
Texas Parks and Wildlife for the 21st Century, conducted for the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
House Bill 38 and Future Directions for the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries—Results of Constituent and Staff Studies and Recommendations for Future Action, conducted for the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources
Stakeholders’ Opinions on and Attitudes Toward the Longleaf Alliance and Its Strategic Direction, conducted for The Longleaf Alliance
An Evaluation of the NOAA Coastal Services Center Coastal Resource Management Surveys, conducted for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Coastal Services Center
For more information or a copy of a report, please contact us.
Please note that not all reports are publicly available.