Fisheries Management
Responsive Management has conducted more than one hundred studies related to fisheries management.
Below is a list of recent examples. Please contact us for additional examples or further information.
Recreational Boaters and Derelict Commercial Fishing Gear, conducted for the BoatUS Foundation
Anglers’ Knowledge of and Attitudes Toward Monofilament Line Recycling, conducted for the BoatUS Foundation
Georgia Saltwater Anglers’ and Captains’ Attitudes Toward Saltwater Fishing Issues, conducted for the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Coastal Resources Division
Southeast Florida and South Carolina Anglers’ Release Practices and Their Attitudes Toward Descending Devices, conducted for The Nature Conservancy
Residents’ Opinions on Issues Related to Aquaculture Literacy, conducted for California Sea Grant
Regional Residents’ Opinions on Management Issues at Point Reyes National Seashore, conducted for the Point Reyes National Seashore Association
California Residents’ Opinions on and Attitudes Toward Coastal Fisheries Management, conducted for the Environmental Defense Fund
A Study of Ohio River Contact Recreational Use and Site-Specific Fish Consumption Rates, conducted for the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission
Minimizing Marine Debris by Preventing Conflicts Between Recreational Boating and Commercial Fishing Groups, conducted for the BoatUS Foundation
For more information or a copy of a report, please contact us.
Please note that not all reports are publicly available.