

Responsive Management has conducted several dozen studies related to forests.
Below is a list of recent examples. Please contact us for additional examples or further information.

  • Communicating to the Northeast Public About Forest Resources and the Forest Stewardship Project: Research-Based Communications Strategies, conducted for the Northeastern Area Association of State Foresters

  • Stakeholders’ Opinions on and Attitudes Toward the Longleaf Alliance and Its Strategic Direction, conducted for The Longleaf Alliance

  • Oregon Residents’ and State Forest Stakeholders’ Knowledge of, Values Regarding, and Attitudes Toward Natural Resource Management in Oregon State Forests, conducted for the Oregon Department of Forestry

  • South Carolina Residents’ Knowledge of, Perceptions of, and Opinions on Wildfires and Controlled Burning, conducted for the South Carolina Forestry Commission

  • Sportsmen’s Attitudes Toward Energy Development in the Rocky Mountain West, conducted for the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership

  • Attitudes of Connecticut’s General Population, Minorities, Hunters, and Anglers Toward Wildlife, Fisheries, and Forestry Management, conducted for the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Natural Resources

  • Access to Federal Hunting Lands in Colorado, conducted for the Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation

  • Opinions and Priorities of Cooperative Forest Management Program Participants, conducted for MeadWestvaco

  • National Forest Hunters’ Attitudes Toward Roads in the National Forests, conducted for the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Alliance

For more information or a copy of a report, please contact us.
Please note that not all reports are publicly available.