Responsive Management has conducted several dozen studies related to forests.
Below is a list of recent examples. Please contact us for additional examples or further information.
Communicating to the Northeast Public About Forest Resources and the Forest Stewardship Project: Research-Based Communications Strategies, conducted for the Northeastern Area Association of State Foresters
Stakeholders’ Opinions on and Attitudes Toward the Longleaf Alliance and Its Strategic Direction, conducted for The Longleaf Alliance
Oregon Residents’ and State Forest Stakeholders’ Knowledge of, Values Regarding, and Attitudes Toward Natural Resource Management in Oregon State Forests, conducted for the Oregon Department of Forestry
South Carolina Residents’ Knowledge of, Perceptions of, and Opinions on Wildfires and Controlled Burning, conducted for the South Carolina Forestry Commission
Sportsmen’s Attitudes Toward Energy Development in the Rocky Mountain West, conducted for the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership
Attitudes of Connecticut’s General Population, Minorities, Hunters, and Anglers Toward Wildlife, Fisheries, and Forestry Management, conducted for the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Natural Resources
Access to Federal Hunting Lands in Colorado, conducted for the Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation
Opinions and Priorities of Cooperative Forest Management Program Participants, conducted for MeadWestvaco
National Forest Hunters’ Attitudes Toward Roads in the National Forests, conducted for the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Alliance
For more information or a copy of a report, please contact us.
Please note that not all reports are publicly available.