Landowners, Land Management, and Access

Fence on property

Responsive Management has conducted almost one hundred studies related to landowners, land management, and access.
Below is a list of recent examples. Please contact us for additional examples or further information.

  • Assessing the Quality and Availability of Hunting and Shooting Access in the United States, conducted by Responsive Management and the National Shooting Sports Foundation under a Multistate Conservation Grant

  • North Dakota Hunters’ and Landowners’ Attitudes Toward Energy Development and the Private Land Open to Sportsmen (PLOTS) Program, conducted for the North Dakota Game and Fish Department

  • Kentucky Landowners’ Attitudes Toward Land Management and Hunting Access, conducted for the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources

  • Opinions on and Use of Land Preservation Tax Credits Among Landowners Who Have Donated Easements to the Virginia Outdoor Foundation, conducted for the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources

  • Virginia Landowners’ Opinions on and Attitudes Toward Wildlife Damage and Wildlife Management, conducted for the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources

  • Opinions on Quality Deer Management in Western Maryland, conducted for the Maryland Department of Natural Resources

  • Deer Management in Georgia: Survey of Residents, Hunters, and Landowners, conducted for the Georgia Department of Natural Resources

  • Issues Related to Hunting Access in the United States, conducted by Responsive Management and the National Shooting Sports Foundation under a Multistate Conservation Grant

  • Survey of Landowners of Large Tracts Concerning Deer Management and Hunting in North Carolina, conducted for the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission

  • The Opinions of Residents, Hunters, and Landowners on Deer Management in Maryland, conducted for the Maryland Department of Natural Resources

For more information or a copy of a report, please contact us.
Please note that not all reports are publicly available.