Landowners, Land Management, and Access
Responsive Management has conducted almost one hundred studies related to landowners, land management, and access.
Below is a list of recent examples. Please contact us for additional examples or further information.
Assessing the Quality and Availability of Hunting and Shooting Access in the United States, conducted by Responsive Management and the National Shooting Sports Foundation under a Multistate Conservation Grant
North Dakota Hunters’ and Landowners’ Attitudes Toward Energy Development and the Private Land Open to Sportsmen (PLOTS) Program, conducted for the North Dakota Game and Fish Department
Kentucky Landowners’ Attitudes Toward Land Management and Hunting Access, conducted for the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources
Opinions on and Use of Land Preservation Tax Credits Among Landowners Who Have Donated Easements to the Virginia Outdoor Foundation, conducted for the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources
Virginia Landowners’ Opinions on and Attitudes Toward Wildlife Damage and Wildlife Management, conducted for the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources
Opinions on Quality Deer Management in Western Maryland, conducted for the Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Deer Management in Georgia: Survey of Residents, Hunters, and Landowners, conducted for the Georgia Department of Natural Resources
Issues Related to Hunting Access in the United States, conducted by Responsive Management and the National Shooting Sports Foundation under a Multistate Conservation Grant
Survey of Landowners of Large Tracts Concerning Deer Management and Hunting in North Carolina, conducted for the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission
The Opinions of Residents, Hunters, and Landowners on Deer Management in Maryland, conducted for the Maryland Department of Natural Resources
For more information or a copy of a report, please contact us.
Please note that not all reports are publicly available.