Responsive Management Awarded NOAA ProTech 2.0 Fisheries Domain Contract!
Responsive Management is among 23 firms that were awarded a NOAA ProTech 2.0 Fisheries Domain Contract. Under this contract, Responsive Management will conduct survey research projects on fisheries management for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The ceiling dollar amount for task orders under all ProTech domains is $8 billion.
Responsive Management partnered with the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources, the National African American Gun Association, and Richmond-based marketing firm JMI to conduct focus groups and surveys with Black Americans regarding firearm ownership and target shooting issues. The research was funded by a Multistate Conservation Grant and informed the development of a new R3 Communications Toolkit for Black Americans. The toolkit incorporates findings from the research and provides marketing and advertising templates for digital and print R3 campaigns, as well as a social media outreach plan for implementation across multiple platforms. Learn more about the toolkit and research findings here.
Research is currently being conducted in multiple states to measure public attitudes, concerns, and values regarding conservation with the goal of helping state agencies better understand, engage, and serve a broader segment of society. Contact us for more information.
In a webinar for the Council to Advance Hunting and the Shooting Sports, Mark Duda explored female participation in hunting, sport shooting, and archery, as well as their needs, interests, and constraints. Watch the webinar.
Mark Duda, Alison Lanier, and Martin Jones from Responsive Management joined Stephanie Hussey from the Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation to present a webinar based on research conducted to assist state agencies, organizations, and industry partners in determining which angler R3 projects to fund. Watch the webinar.
Mark Duda was recently interviewed on the BLX Podcast where he explained what decades of research with sportsmen and sportswomen can teach the conservation community about how to talk about hunting with the non-hunting majority. Listen to the podcast.
Mark Duda, Responsive Management Executive Director; Swanny Evans, Director of Research and Partnerships for the Council to Advance Hunting and the Shooting Sports; and Brian Clark, Deputy Commissioner for the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources presented a webinar about a recent study that examined the perceptions and knowledge of non-hunting sport shooters and firearm owners regarding the wildlife conservation initiatives funded through the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Program. Watch the webinar.
Talking Mule Deer Podcast hosted an interview with Mark Duda, Responsive Management Executive Director, and dove into the meaning of human dimensions, the importance of using sound scientific methods to understand the people side of wildlife conservation, and trends in hunting participation and how the public views hunting. Listen to the interview.
Mark Duda, the Hunters’ Leadership Forum, A-Game Speech and Debate Consulting, and the Council to Advance Hunting and the Shooting Sports conducted a 4-part webinar series to discuss the book, How to Talk About Hunting: Research-Based Communication Strategies. Watch the series.
Mark Duda presented, “The Fourth ‘R’: Research,” at the Council to Advance Hunting and the Shooting Sport’s annual R3 conference, which examined information from decades of research and more than 1,000 studies on how people relate to conservation. Watch the presentation.
A scientific survey conducted by Responsive Managment for the Hunters’ Leadership Forum found that hunters share 119 million pounds of harvested game with others: friends outside of their household, food banks, and hunger relief organizations, including Hunters for the Hungry. Learn more.
Mark Duda had an extended conversation with Indiana Outdoors about a national study regarding hunting and shooting access in the United States. Listen to the conversation.
In a webinar hosted by Swanny Evans of the Council to Advance Hunting and the Shooting Sports, Mark Duda, and Jim Curcuruto, Executive Director of Outdoor Stewards of Conservation Foundation discussed findings from a study about how to reactivate non-participating firearm owners. Watch the webinar.