
Person with bow and arrow

Responsive Management has conducted several dozen studies related to archery.
Below is a list of recent examples. Please contact us for additional examples or further information.

  • Reactivating Lapsed Bowhunters—Evaluating the Effectiveness of Various Email Campaign Messages, conducted by Responsive Management and the Archery Trade Association under a Multistate Conservation Grant

  • Bowhunting in the United States: A Market Study, conducted by Responsive Management and the Archery Trade Association under a Multistate Conservation Grant

  • Archery Participation Among Adult United States Residents, conducted for the Archery Trade Association

  • Arizona Hunters’ Opinions on The Order and Timing of The Firearm and Archery Elk Hunting Seasons, conducted for the Arizona Game and Fish Department

  • An Assessment and Evaluation of the National Archery in the Schools Program, conducted for the National Archery in the Schools Program Foundation

  • Hunters’, Sport Shooters’, Archers’, and Anglers’ Attitudes Toward Messages Encouraging Them to Recruit Others into Their Sport, conducted by Responsive Management and the National Shooting Sports Foundation under a Multistate Conservation Grant

  • Archery Manufacturers & Merchants Organization (AMO) Bowhunting Participation Survey, conducted for the Archery Trade Association

  • Survey Results of Single-Channel Retailers Who Attended an ATA Trade Show, conducted for the Archery Trade Association

  • Survey for the ATA Regarding the Trade Shows and Archery Advertising, conducted for the Archery Trade Association

  • Sport Shooters’ and Archers’ Attitudes on Shooting and Appropriate Behavior on Public Lands, conducted for the Federal Lands Hunting, Fishing, and Shooting Sports Roundtable

For more information or a copy of a report, please contact us.
Please note that not all reports are publicly available.

Person shooting at archery target