Marketing and Communications

Team reviewing graphs and digital materials

Responsive Management has conducted several dozen studies related to marketing and communication.
Below is a list of recent examples. Please contact us for additional examples or further information.

  • How to Talk About Hunting: Research-based Communications Strategies, based on studies conducted by Responsive Management, commissioned by the Hunters’ Leadership Forum

  • How to Debate and Communicate About Hunting, conducted by Responsive Management; the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation; and Appleseed Marketing Consulting, LLC under a Multistate Conservation Grant

  • Words Matter: Determining How to Engage the American Public Through the Language of Conservation, conducted for the Wildlife Management Institute under a Multi-State Conservation Grant

  • Increasing Awareness of and Support for the Pennsylvania Game Commission: Communications Recommendations, conducted for the Pennsylvania Game Commission

  • Educational Marketing Strategies for Florida’s Nongame Wildlife Program, conducted for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

  • Marketing and Communications Plan for the Carson River Watershed, conducted for the Carson Water Subconservancy District

  • Maryland Hunting and Fishing Marketing Initiative, conducted for the Maryland Sportsmen’s Foundation and the Maryland Department of Business and Economic Development

  • Marketing, Communications, and Public Relations Plan for the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, Division of Information & Education, conducted for the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife

  • Inland Fish Marketing Plan—Increasing Fishing Participation and License Sales Revenue in the State of Washington, conducted for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife

  • A Marketing Plan for the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, Fisheries Section, conducted for the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources

For more information or a copy of a report, please contact us.
Please note that not all reports are publicly available.