Outdoor Recreation Plans

Outdoor Recreation Participation and Trends

Responsive Management routinely helps natural resource agencies and recreational providers to assess participation rates and trends in outdoor recreation activities among residents. Knowing residents’ needs for outdoor recreation opportunities and facilities allows for the best allocation of funding and planning of programs and recreational development projects. Responsive Management’s survey work in this area can also help to identify latent demand for certain recreational activities—this is accomplished by comparing activities in which residents currently participate to activities in which they are interested in participating. These comparisons indicate the activities with the most potential for growth.

For example, several recent Responsive Management surveys have found that the top activities with growth potential include water-based activities such as rafting, tubing, waterskiing, and canoeing/kayaking. Other activities on the rise in some states include camping, horseback riding, visiting a state or national park, and visiting a wilderness or primitive area. Responsive Management’s survey research helps agencies engage and encourage participation from the top priority target audiences and promote activities with the most potential for growth.

Another major component of our experience assessing outdoor recreation participation rates and trends is working with agencies to conduct surveys in support of State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plans (SCORP), which are generally implemented every five years to assist with planning efforts. Responsive Management’s recent projects measuring outdoor recreation participation and trends, including SCORP and parks and recreation planning studies, include the following:

  • Texas Residents’ Participation in and Attitudes Toward Outdoor Recreation: This study was conducted for the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to determine Texas residents’ participation in outdoor recreation, as well as their attitudes toward a variety of issues related to outdoor recreation in the state. The study is in support of the effort to create the Texas Outdoor Recreation Plan (TORP). The study entailed a scientific multi-modal survey of Texas residents.
  • Iowa Residents’ Participation in and Opinions on Outdoor Recreation—2018: This study, conducted for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR), assessed Iowa residents’ participation in and opinions on outdoor recreation in Iowa. This project was part of the data gathering effort in support of the SCORP. This study follows previous SCORP surveys completed by Responsive Management for Iowa in 2006 and 2012. The study entailed a scientific telephone survey of randomly selected Iowa residents.
  • Outdoor Recreation in Nebraska: This study was conducted for the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission to determine state residents’ participation in outdoor recreation, as well as their opinions on various issues related to outdoor recreation and the Commission. The survey was conducted in support of the State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan.

  • Outdoor Recreation in Washington—The 2013 State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan: Responsive Management prepared the SCORP for Washington State to serve as a management tool to help decision-makers and providers better understand and prioritize the acquisition, renovation, and development of recreational resources statewide for the following 5 years. Research conducted for this SCORP addressed the benefits of outdoor recreation; recreation participation; constraints to participation; recreation equity; land supply and use; and sustainable recreation opportunities.

  • 2013-2018 Washington State Trails Plan: The 2013-2018 Washington State Trails Plan updates the previous plan and offers strategic direction for trails management in Washington State. The trails plan is a separate, but tangential, element designed to support the SCORP by providing specific guidance on trails maintenance, acquisition, development, and funding.
  • Survey of Providers of Outdoor Recreation Conducted in Support of the Development of the Washington State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan: This study was a component of the overall research conducted in support of the Washington State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan. This portion of the study entailed surveys of local recreation providers and federal and state government providers, tribal organizations, and nonprofit organizations. The purpose of the surveys was to explore supply, demand, and needs and challenges related to outdoor recreation.
  • Iowa Survey for the State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (conducted in 2012 and 2006): This study was conducted for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) to determine Iowa residents’ participation and interest in outdoor recreation, as well as their attitudes toward outdoor recreation, the environment, natural areas, green space, and the IDNR.
  • Polk County, Iowa Survey on Outdoor Recreation: This study was conducted to determine participation in and opinions on outdoor recreation in Polk County and in Iowa in general. The study was conducted jointly for three entities: the Polk County Conservation Board, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the City of Des Moines’ Parks and Recreation Department. The study complemented a statewide study of outdoor recreation in Iowa as part of the data gathering effort in support of the SCORP.
  • Outdoor Recreation in Delaware—Survey and Report for the 2011 State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan: This study was conducted for the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, Division of Parks and Recreation, to assess Delaware residents’ participation in outdoor recreation, their opinions on the state’s management of outdoor recreation, and their opinions on funding priorities.
  • Outdoor Recreation in Delaware—2008 Survey and Report for the State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan: This study was conducted for the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, Division of Parks and Recreation as a follow-up study and trends analysis for an outdoor recreation study completed in 2002. The study involved a telephone survey of Delaware residents 16 years old and older to assess Delaware residents’ participation in outdoor recreation, the locations in which they participate, their opinions on the state’s management of outdoor recreation, and their opinions on various environmental issues affecting the state.
  • Delaware Residents’ Outdoor Recreation Use Patterns and Needs—2002 SCORP Survey and Report: Conducted for the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, Division of Parks and Recreation, this study involved a telephone survey of Delaware residents to assess their outdoor recreation patterns and their future outdoor recreation needs.
  • Outdoor Recreation in Florida—2011 Survey for the State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan: Responsive Management worked with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to design and implement two public opinion surveys: (1) a survey of Florida residents and (2) a survey of visitors/tourists to assess overall participation in outdoor recreation in the State of Florida. The study was designed to determine where Florida residents and tourists participate in outdoor recreation activities, what activities they participated in during the last 12 months, their willingness to travel and distances traveled to participate in outdoor activities in Florida, their frequency of participation in outdoor activities, and their satisfaction with recreation opportunities in Florida.
  • Missouri Residents’ and Recreation Professionals’ Opinions on Parks and Recreation in Missouri: Responsive Management was contracted by the Missouri Park and Recreation Association (MPRA) to design and administer (1) a telephone survey of Missouri citizens and (2) a survey of elected officials and MPRA members. These surveys identified perceptions of and values regarding the parks and recreation opportunities in the state and assessed satisfaction with agency facilities and services. The goal of the study was to better understand the perceptions and values each group places on parks and recreation services, programs, and initiatives.
  • Washington State Parks Centennial Survey: This study was conducted to determine Washington State residents’ use of state parks and facilities, their motivations for and constraints to visiting state parks, and their opinions on state park management and funding, as well as other park-related and environmental issues. The major objectives were to identify and assess preferences regarding public outreach and awareness on Centennial organizational focus; travel and tourism behaviors and park use patterns; volunteering and sponsorships; and performance measurement.
  • Orange County Residents’ Participation in Outdoor Recreation and Their Recreational Needs: This study was conducted for the Harbors, Beaches and Parks Division of the Orange County Resources and Development Management Department to determine Orange County residents’ participation in outdoor recreation and their recreational needs.