Multimodal Surveys

Responsive Management designs survey questionnaires collaboratively based on close consultation, discussion, and review with the client. After the design of the questionnaire, the survey instrument is pretested to check for proper wording, answer sets, question-flow, and logistical clarity. Revisions are made to the survey instrument after the pretest before the actual implementation of the survey. Many research firms cut costs by failing to rigorously pretest their survey instruments, which results in poor data collection. Responsive Management always conducts full evaluative pretests of survey instruments.

Responsive Management conducts multimodal surveys using a combination of telephone, mail, and online questionnaires. For multimodal surveys, a random sample of respondents is selected prior to the implementation of any data collection technique. Only after being selected for the sample are respondents contacted and given a choice of survey modes.

While costlier and more labor- and time-intensive, the multimodal data collection approach is often superior to the use of only a single mode of data collection in that it ensures all respondents have a variety of opportunities and means to participate in the study. For example, conducting a survey entirely by mail may result in a high number of incomplete or incorrectly filled out surveys; conducting a survey entirely online may exclude respondents who are less comfortable using the internet, as might be the case with older respondents.

Responsive Management typically initiates multimodal survey studies by sending a hard copy mailing or email (depending on which contact information is available) to all individuals in the sample. This initial contact explains the purpose of the study and usually includes a paper version of the survey, a link to an online version of the survey, a toll-free number to complete the survey with a professional interviewer, and a deadline for survey completion. Follow-up mailings and/or emails that include the same basic information as the initial contact are subsequently sent to non-respondents. Concurrently, those in the sample with incomplete mailing addresses or inactive email addresses (or who lack either type of address altogether) are contacted by Responsive Management by telephone to either complete the survey with an interviewer at that time or to set up a time for a scheduled callback. Responsive Management uses follow-up telephone calls to engage those who do not initially respond to the mail and email invitations to participate in the survey.

Responsive Management has conducted numerous multimodal surveys on a range of natural resource and outdoor recreation topics.