Responsive Management is a survey research firm
specializing in natural resource and outdoor recreation issues.

Our mission is to help agencies and organizations better understand and work with their constituents, customers, and the public through qualitative and quantitative social science research methods, including scientific surveys, focus groups, personal interviews, economic and expenditure analyses, program evaluations and assessments, and much more.

35 Years of Experience Conducting Social Science Research

Our Clients

  • Every state fish and wildlife agency.

  • All federal resource agencies, including the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the National Marine Fisheries Service, the National Park Service, the U.S. Forest Service, the Bureau of Land Management, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the U.S. Coast Guard.

  • Every major wildlife and natural resource conservation NGO, including the American Museum of Natural History, the American Sportfishing Association, the Archery Trade Association, the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, the BoatUS Foundation, Ducks Unlimited, the Hunters’ Leadership Forum, the Izaak Walton League, the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the National Wildlife Federation, The Nature Conservancy, the Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation, the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, the Wildlife Management Institute, and many more.

  • Numerous outdoor recreation industry leaders, such as Winchester Ammunition, Yamaha, and many others.

  • The nation’s top universities: Auburn University; Boise State University; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Clemson University; Colorado State University; Duke University; George Mason University; Michigan State University; Mississippi State University; North Carolina State University; Oregon State University; Penn State University; Rutgers University; Stanford University; Texas Tech; University of Alaska; University of California-Davis; University of California-San Diego; University of Connecticut; University of Florida; University of Hawaiʻi; University of Montana; University of New Hampshire; University of Southern California; Virginia Commonwealth University; Virginia Tech; West Virginia University; and Yale University.